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Eldercare Management Solutions

228 17th St eldercare management solutions eldercaremanagementsolutions healthbrooklyn thentrenamiento para ancianos greenwood training home health services entrenamiento gerencial обучение управлению 管理训练 servicios de salud услуги по уходу за пожилыми людьми на дому 老年人保健服务 brooklyn 228 17th st 11215 4 eldercare home

New Freedom Dog Training

179 Starr St Teach, Communicate, Bond new freedom dog training newfreedomdogtraining petspecialty brooklyn starr can have confidentmannered with little helpwe love are friendly simple effectivephilosophy meansapos basedprovenbehumane comply fear unnecessary force weaspossible congruentroutine lifestyle flexible scheduling allows schedule sessions neededcallvisit websiterequest price quoteservicios para mascotas entrenamiento canino especializados bushwick pet services specialty servicios домашние животные 宠物服务 тренировка собак 狗训练 специализированные услуги домашних животных 宠物专业服务 179 st you a confident well mannered help from we dogs and us our ccpdt certified techniques effective team philosophy means that you&apos ll learn about bond your pup by participating in the process utilize problem prevention reward based been proven to be both humane ethical statutes of do not use or recommend any technique product attempts control behavior through pain we&apos make as easy possible working create personalized management plan congruent daily routine needed please call email visit website more request quote today 11237 0 confident training us dog friendly simple effective you&apos ll process effective pain fear force we&apos ll lifestyle needed call email today

Ejs Capital Management

224 Kings Hwy ejs capital management ejscapitalmanagement educationalbrooklyn kings hwy servicios educativos gravesend training consultants educational services consultores de entrenamiento консультанты по обучению 培训顾问 образовательные услуги 教育服务 brooklyn 224 11223 0

Beach Haven Management Corp

8700 25th Ave beach haven management corp beachhavenmanagementcorp beachmanagement corpbathtraining brooklynth ave entrenamientoventas bath sales training entrenamiento de ventas обучение продажам 销售培训 brooklyn 8700 25th 11214 0

Pain Management and Wellness Center

123 Hicks St pain management and wellness center painmanagementandwellnesscenter managementwellness centerbrooklyn rashad specializesnerve sciaticneck shoulder breechcorrection tension headaches heel spur foot james insomnia tissue swedish acupuntura quiropr cticos brooklyn heights massage therapists acupuncture chiropractors & chiropractic services masajistas массажисты 按摩治疗师 иглоукалывание 针刺 quiroprácticos y servicios de quiropráctica хиропрактики и 脊医和脊椎指压治疗服务 123 hicks st offers specialized treatments in chiropractics and massage therapy dr trabulsi our certified senior chiropractor specializes disc nerve sciatic back neck breech baby correction yu our certified acupuncturist  specializes arthritis joint fertility treatment woman's health digestive disorders anxiety have advanced training prenatal medical sports deep and swedish massages as well reflexology 11201 0 chiropractics therapy dr trabulsi certified chiropractor pain correction headaches pain yu acupuncturist  specializes management treatment health insomnia prenatal medical sports reflexology

Bugged Out Pest Management

959 E 15th St "Believe in the sheild." bugged out pest management buggedoutpestmanagement buggedpest managementmidwood thfamily thatbeen providing industry leading solutionsnew unmatched remain are capable implementing integrated approach every situation basis providesestimates consultationswell low cost guarantee staffalwaysabove beyond ease industriales localcity midwood control services commercial & industrial servicios de plagas услуги по борьбе с вредителями 害虫防治服务 comerciales e коммерческие и промышленные 商业和工业 brooklyn 959 15th st is a local family owned and operated nyc company that has been solutions to new york city&apos s five boroughs long island westchester the greater area at our main focus maintain exceptional customer satisfaction while unique top of employs highly qualified certified technicians programs which enables take safe environmental friendly employees trained professionally in house on continuous setting us apart from competition provides free estimates consultations as well staff will always go above exceed your expectations place mind 11230 борьба 除害虫 0 services commercial local city&apos s boroughs island area out solutions industry programs situation our in house basis competition consultations low cost guarantee

JMAT Management Consultants, Inc.

1008 Winthrop St "We build for a sustainable future" jmat management consultants inc jmatmanagementconsultants inc consultants inc jmatmanagementconsultants east clients locatednew jersey with branchyork subsurface contamination hygienesafetyosha sustainability philadelfia filadelfia filadelphia ingenieros ecol gicosorganizaciones ambientales conservacionistas gicas consultor pruebasasbesto calidad consultores flatbush environmental & ecological engineers conservation organizations asbestos consulting testing quality control ecológicos экологические инженеры 生态工程师 organizaciones y ecológicas природоохранные и организации 环境,保护和生态组织 consultoría pruebas de asbesto консалтинг тестирование асбеста 石棉咨询和测试 контроль качества консультанты 质量控制和顾问 环境和生态顾问 brooklyn 1008 winthrop st is a full service and firm which serves nationally our corporate headquarters are located in new branch offices york philadelphia pennsylvania the following areas â« surveys abatement monitoring lead based paint phased site assessments investigations indoor air services industrial hygiene health safety programs osha compliance hazardous materials waste underground storage tank training construction 11212 0 environmental firm nationally jersey brooklyn philadelphia pennsylvania areas â« lead based hygiene

CP Loving Employment Care Management/CP Loving Home Care Corporation

892 Wyckoff Ave

We are here to make a difference in people lives.

cp loving employment care management cp home corporation cplovingemploymentcaremanagement cplovinghomecarecorporation management cplovingemploymentcaremanagement cplovinghomecarecorporation lovingcarehome brooklyn wyckoff avetriagencyfocuses systematic approach towards thatapplicants are fully qualified fit clients delivering good savyrelationsbased knowledege realissues escuelasenfermer educaci para bushwick nursing schools adult education escuelas de enfermería сестринские школы 护理学校 educación adultos образование для взрослых 成人教育 892 ave e p c is a tri state agency which focuses on the quality of employees we created career building for each applicant in order to ensure that our applicants requirements by offering workshops and training programs commited savy public relations services based real understanding issues affect both their as having an enthusiam what do 11237 0 e p c tri state employees programs do

Roos Consulting

1 Carlton Ave Let's build something great! roos consulting roosconsulting consultingfort carlton avebasedfirmpartner with businessesmaximize operational profits resolveclient needsthat entrenadores negociosgesti firmprofitsdreams fort greene training consultants business coaches & management consultores de entrenamiento консультанты по обучению 培训顾问 negocios y бизнес тренеры и 商业教练和顾问 gestión управлению 管理顾问 brooklyn 1 ave is a based small firm we partner businesses to maximize efficiencies and increase resolve urgent client needs so that they can get back running their living the life of dreams 11205 0 firm profits dreams

AIM Strategies

86 Prospect Park SW Suite 100 aim strategies aimstrategies strategieswindsor prospectsuite recursos humanos entrenadores negociosgesti windsor terrace training consultants human resource business coaches & management consultores de entrenamiento консультанты по обучению 培训顾问 кадровым ресурсам 人力资源顾问 negocios y бизнес тренеры и 商业教练和顾问 gestión управлению 管理顾问 brooklyn 86 prospect park sw suite 100 11218 0

Kandie's Coaching Services

2152 Ralph Ave # 159 kandies coaching services kandiescoachingservices kandie s coachingkandie ave entrenamiento gerencialaltavoces conferencias seminarios consejeros matrimoniales familiares infantiles flatlands management training speakers lectures & seminars marriage family child individual counselors business personal coaches development gerencial обучение управлению 管理训练 altavoces y докладчики лекции и семинары 演讲者,讲座和研讨会 e individuales брачные семейные детские индивидуальные консультанты 婚姻,家庭,孩子和个人顾问 entrenadores de negocios personales деловые личные тренеры 商业和个人教练 desarrollo личное развитие 个人发展 brooklyn 2152 ralph 159 11234 0 speakers marriage family

Futurework Institute

595 6th St futurework institute futureworkinstitute institutepark brooklynth isowned enterpriseprovides itsawareness trainingcouncils learningskills programslevel briefingnetworks assessments avoidance methodslife flexibility operationalthan serves inlandnew yorkcitibank daimlerchrysler florida powerunion carbide ogilvy nortelwithperrin markusworks empresas park slope management consultants business coaches & consultores de gestión консультанты по управлению 管理顾问 entrenadores negocios y бизнес тренеры и 商业教练和顾问 administración управление бизнесом 商业管理 brooklyn 595 6th st the is a women owned enterprise that provides services in areas of workforce and organizational development its include awareness training diversity councils learning rooms skills programs executive level briefing employee networks addition it offers global career speakers for company events harassment methods work life impact research organization has been operational more than 15 years leading companies such as american express pfizer inland revenue new york hospitalpower light union nortel affiliated with towers perrin identity television located n k 11215 hospital citibank power 0 women owned development training rooms programs executive level briefing assessments addition services events methods impact research years companies express pfizer revenue hospital citibank daimlerchrysler light carbide nortel perrin television brooklyn n k

Apartment And Homes Realty

508 78th St

"Real-World Services with New Age Technology"

apartment and homes realty apartmentandhomesrealty apartmenthomes realtybay ridgeestatebrooklyn along countless hourstimethereby giving ability pursue growth optionsendeavors gesti inmobiliaria bay ridge real estate management gestión управление недвижимостью 房地产管理 brooklyn 508 78th st we incorporate the best world services with new age technology to provide our clients virtual online administrative support agent training marketing promotion recruitment by managing these allow broker free up hours of time money thereby options other endeavors 11209 0 real world virtual online management support training marketing services endeavors

Uniquely 40

391 Adelphi St

We Do More Than Just Typing, We're A Uniquely Unique Company

uniquely 40 uniquely40 fort brooklyn adelphiphyllis jackson founder ceo working asenforcement officertyping firmthatfound investigated pros outweigh conssame old secretary jobwith twist donehomewonderful degree instructor past llctwonevada consultoresgesti njacksonfounder bossplus offeroffersa acollegestates greene business coaches & consultants management entrenadores de negocios y consultores бизнес тренеры и консультанты 商业教练和顾问 gestión по управлению 管理顾问 391 adelphi st phyllis i am the of my own company which operates out new york city started in 2003 while still as a law enforcement officer it typing firm then 2005 all that changed i found about field called "virtual assistant" so did what best cons was same "old secretary's job" but with done your home office wonderful idea also meant "no commuting" another factor you were boss "a very big plus" now has grown and services offer trained each service offers received 1983 from kingsborough community college certified police 1993 through apco for 911 dispatchers training obtained helped building company's infrastructure is strong uniquely40 llc registered two 2 states nevada 11238 0 jackson founder ceo city officer firm changed called assistant" best investigated cons twist office idea meant commuting" boss plus" offer offers a a college 1993 dispatchers very strong uniquely40 2 states

Mandel Aaron

228 Livingston St mandel aaron mandelaaron aaronregistrant whoisblock optionbefore optionafter topsoliddisplay heightwidthabsolute leftright idindexof zstylenone abovelikemissed something divmessageamp germaneine neue siezahlen oben gesehenhaben etwas xfc bersehen ist erforderlich passt nicht wurde erneutbereits ihren daten eingetragene adresse gesandt spanishreenviar correo nintroduzcaxfa meros arriba vistopareciera que falta algo requiere digo parece perdidocoincide reenviado una notificaci pordirecci especificadadatos frenchtext renvoi les num ros vushautil semble des informations soient manquantes cessairevous avez manqu quelque chose correspond pas nouveau envoy renseign dans odigite acima voc xea esqueceu obrigat rio perdeu alguma coisa corresponde notifica foi para endere preenchidodados norwegiansendmed bekreftelse nyttskriv inn tallene sett ovenforser som noe mangler kode krevd gikk glipp samsvarer ikke varsel har blitt sendt nytt til postadressen fylt xad xfb xbf polandwy lij ponownie weryfikacyjnywpisz znaki powy uwzgl dnieniem ich wielko ciwygl daco przegapi wymagany jest kod nie pasuje weryfikacyjny zosta przesadres widniej bazie dell verificaseen inserisci numeri indicati sopracodice obbligatorionon corrispondenotifica stata inviata indirizzo presente nei fdedereturn falseenglish fran ais deutsch italiano norsk polski portugu espa reached mandate accredited registrars begin verifying registrations modifications reactivate dom erreicht deren verifizierung noch ausstehtjanuar sind alle zugelassenen gem der verpflichtet kontaktdaten aller neuen nenregistrierungen sowie kontakt nderungen registranten berpr fen warum diese gesperrt best tigt dies nenregistrierung und oder wurden ndert ssen werden insbesondere vorname zuname bzw bisher wenn inhaberreaktivieren ihre usted llegado dominio est pendiente parte partir del enero corporaci exigir todos registradores acreditados realicen procesos informaci contacto publicadaregistros nuevos dominios cambios titular suspendido este nica sido validada registro nuevo registrado validado modificaron pero validados espec ficamente primer nombre apellido han cambiados todavpropietario sitio react velo tes sur domaine attente rification compter janvier demandera ensemble bureaux enregistrement accr ditrifier titulaires pour tous nouveaux enregistrements domaines toutes ces pourquoi suspendu rifi agit titulaire ont modifi mais doivent anmoins tre cifiquement nom jamais propri taire activez chegou niopendente xba janeiro certificados pela comecem verificar informa contatoregistrante novos modifica suspenso verificado novo foram modificadosainda requerem especificamente nome sobrenome alterados nunca verificados propriet reative kommet domene avventer verifisering fra vil kreveakkrediterte registratorer starter registrator kontaktinformasjon nye hvorfor dette domenet avbrutt psotadresse registrators postadresse eller kontaktdata ble modifisertkrever alikevel spesifikt fornavn etternavn endret aldri hvis sidens eier reaktiver siden din xbbf xffc xefb xce xcb xfee xeba xcfb xbe xab xfd xecd xcaxfff xaa xaf dotar domen oczekuje weryfikacj dniem stycznia wymaga aby wszyscy akredytowani przez rejestratorzy rozpocz danych abonenta zapisanych dla wszystkich nowych rejestracji oraz modyfikacji dlaczego domena zawieszona zweryfikowany rejestracja nowej domeny jeszcze lub dane zmodyfikowane lecz zweryfikowane szczeg lno imi nazwisko zmienione jeste cicielem tejesz reaktywowa stato sospeso partire dal gennaio tutti registrar accreditati ente internazionale responsabile della gestione domini primodevono verificare informazioni contatto cliente per tutte nuove registrazioni modifiche perch questo verificato effettuata nuova registrazione proprietario oppure sono stati modificati verificati cognome riattiva tuo sitosent manage update info senden wird sicher welche aufgef hrt loggen sich ihrem konto bei dem anbieter ein derzeit verwalten einzusehen aktualisieren reenvie enviar seguro especific favor cons lteselaregistrador con inici mites bien solicite modifiquen sera connectez votre compte aupr fournisseur via lequel rez actuallement afin consulter mettre jour isso ser enviado tiver certeza qual informado efetuesua conta provedor gerencia atualmente visualizar atualizar denne bli usikker hvilken oppf logg kontoen leverand ren bruker forvalte vise oppdatere informasjonen zostanie wys pewien jaki zaloguj swoje rejestratora rego utrzymujesz tam sprawdzi zaktualizowa verifica sar nuovamente controllare quale sia consiglia accedere proprio sulattualmente hours klicken auf den sofort wir sch tzen dass innerhalb bis stunden wieder sein haga clic nculoinmediatamente estimamos volver estar nea lapso horas cliquez lien vos seront imm diatement nous estimons disponible heures clique suas verificadas imediatamente volte ficar dentro klikk linken posten yeblikkelig ansl igjen innen timer xacb xeec xcf xffe kliknij zawarty wiadomo twoje kontaktowe zostan natychmiast szacujemy dzia anie dzie przywr cone czasie godzin appena riceverai clicca dovrebbe tornare entro ore frequently askedchangesdays timeframe successfully complete accurate recievemay takeresponsible particular ensuring its stable secure abideservicespublic accessholders reliableufig gestellte fragen meine schreibt vor von nen dieser tagen nnen diesem zeitraumzur wie kann sperre meiner entfernen entfernt sobald erfolgreich bitte ber dienstanbieter mit vollst ndigen genauen nach aktualisierung verifizierungs erhalten lange dauert aufhebung dauern wer verantwortlich koordinierung spezifischer erkennungsmarker globalen systeme internets gew hrleistung ihrer stabilen sicheren funktion verwaltet richtlinien spezifikationen eingehalten dienste bieten zugang registrierten neninhaber registrierte nennamen genaue zuverl ssige verf gung stellen preguntas frecuentasfue exige persona registra registrada sean plazo verifican tiemposea espera puedo eliminar suspensi levantada vez verificada actualice detalles precisos completos trav proveedor servicio recibir ndo nuevamente levante pudiera tardar organizaci responsable coordinaci identificadores nicos sistemas globales encarga asegurar operaci segura estable mantiene pol ticas especificaciones cumplimiento registrantes servicios proveen acceso blico titulares nombres registrados deber suministrar precisa fiable actualizar foire auxses jours calendaires sont lai imparti demande comment puis annuler annul auront effectivement veuillez indiquant coordonn compl cises recevrez nouvelle une fois aurez effectu cette mise quand ligne peuvent cessaires soit syst mes identifiants uniques monde particulier garantir stabilit curit disposent politiques cifications respecter permettent avoir acc relatives noms enregistr fournir fiables leur bureau permettre perguntas frequentes meu altera sejam dias corridos forem nesse odo determinar seja enquanto estiver como posso remover suspens removida depois serem sucesso atualize detalhes pelo seu servi atualiza receber quando voltar possa levar quem respons vel coordenaopera mant especifica cumpridas fornecem acesso aos detentores nomes devem fornecer confi veis ofte stilte rsm mitt opphevet domeneregistrators endringer registratorens informasjon bekreftes kalenderdager dataene tidsrammen nettsiden oppheves vente hvordan kan jeg fjerne opphevingen opphevelsen fjernes etter verifisert oppdater fullstendige yaktige kontaktdetaljer gjennom oppdatert motta fjernet kommeropp det mellom hvem ansvarlig koordineringen globale internett systemets unike identifikatorer spesielt sirke dets stabile sikre drift opprettholder policyer spesifikasjoner registranter overholde hva tjenester gir offentlig adgang registrerte eiere domenenavn navn oppgi litelige sin registrert xedf xfdd xfbf xcea xecb xcd xabf xcacxdadcz sto zadawane pytania moja zmiany wprowadzone dni kalendarzowych tym serwis internetowy zawieszony momentu zako czenia weryfikacji jak mog usun blokad mojej blokada zniesiona gdy pomy lnie prosimy wprowadzaj kompletne dok adne poprzez panel administracyjny tylko zaktualizowane otrzymasz nowy momencie zdj cia blokady kiedy organizacj odpowiedzialn koordynacj identyfikator internecie jego stabilne bezpieczne zarz dza politykami zasadami ania obowi zuj cych rejestrator abonent zapewnia publiczny dost zarejestrowani abonenci zobowi zani podania nych wiarygodnych dancyh swojego celu aktualizacji domande frequenti mio prevede delle dichiarante siano verificate giorni vengonoutile viene rimuovo sospensione rimossa effettuando prega aggiornare attraverso dopo aver effettuato aggiornamento rimosso torner dalla rimozione cos coordinamento politiche svolge attivit garanzia supervisione servizio consente accesso pubblicititolari nomi registrati tenuti fornire aggiornatichino dicos cirujanos oftalmolog amp downtown optometrists od therapy & visual training physicians surgeons ophthalmology optometristas оптики 验光师 & оптико ортотерапия и визуальная подготовка 验光师,视力训练和视觉训练 médicos y oftalmología врачи хирурги офтальмология 医生和外科医生,眼科 brooklyn 228 livingston st 11201 dr optometrist aaronmandeloptometrist doctor's office eye doctor 4 optometrists od therapy surgeons

Fillmore Real Estate

4515 Avenue N fillmore real estate fillmorerealestate brooklynavenue founded kingsview includingcorporate advisoryassistance additionmortgage options inmobiliaria agentesbienes raicesconsultores inmobiliariosra ces comerciales corredor flatlands management agents consultants commercial buyer brokers gestión управление недвижимостью 房地产管理 agentes de bienes raices риелторы 房地产经纪人 consultores inmobiliarios консультанты по недвижимости 房地产顾问 raíces коммерческая недвижимость 商业房地产 брокеры покупателя 房地产买方经纪人 brooklyn 4515 avenue n in 1991 realty is a full service firm that employs more than 20 trained sales associates the deals various types of properties include office towers shopping centers condominiums luxury apartment buildings and single family accommodations it also licensed insurance brokerage agency provides products for residential offers range financial services including individual corporate income tax preparation business personal advisory planning assistance addition variety mortgage online to banks finance companies located y 11234 0 1991 full service associates towers centers condominiums single family accommodations properties services preparation assistance addition companies brooklyn n y

Ava Brew

100 Willoughby St AVA DoBro Apartments in Brooklyn NY ava brew avabrew brewavabrew brewkitchencocina comida restaurante cafeter restaurantes cafes cafe food kitchen downtown coffee shops restaurants cafeterías кофейни 咖啡店 рестораны 餐馆 brooklyn 100 willoughby st 11201 shop 1 dobro avadobro dobrodowntownestate asbarclays nightlifefort greene carrollheights features brandstudio bedroomplanspet friendly homeskitchens with hard surface plankanunit washer dryerchargingth rooftoplounge directly above jaymetrotechgiving immediate accesstrainsbeing lessminutemetrotech subway bienes inmueblesbuscador apartamentosgesti inmobiliaria flooringin dryerbuilt centerallbasestreet btrains real estate rental service apartment finder & apartments leasing management servicio de alquiler inmuebles аренда недвижимости 房地产租赁服务 buscador apartamentos y поиск и квартиры 公寓搜索和租赁服务 апартаменты 公寓 лизинговое обслуживание 租赁服务 gestión управление недвижимостью 房地产管理 is steps from cultural icons such as the barclays center and flea local nightlife of fort carroll gardens heights brand new studio 2 3 bedroom floor plans these pet homes include kitchens stainless steel appliances quartz stone countertops tile backsplashes plus most units comes plank flooring an in unit dryer a built charging station 58th rooftop deck lounge 30th terrace grills heated outdoor dog run fully equipped fitness best all perfect home base jay street metrotech giving access to c f r trains while being less than 5 minute walk 4 b q 0 flea greene gardens heights studio 1 2 plans friendly appliances quartz stone countertops backsplashes plus hard surface flooring in unit washer dryer built in station lounge grills run fully equipped center all base street metrotech a c f 5 minute 2 3 4 5 b trains

Realty Executives Metro

7024 18th Ave Realty Executives Metro realty executives metro realtyexecutivesmetro properties personalized searches marketingthrough multiple equity evaluations its appraisalsreviews conducting island corredorbienes ces agentes raicescomerciales inmobiliariosgesti inmobiliaria bensonhurst real estate agents buyer brokers commercial appraisers consultants management corredor de bienes raíces брокеры покупателя недвижимости 房地产买方经纪人 raices риелторы 房地产经纪人 comerciales коммерческая недвижимость 商业房地产 tasadores оценщики 房地产估价师 consultores inmobiliarios консультанты по 房地产顾问 gestión управление недвижимостью 房地产管理 brooklyn 7024 18th ave is a full service firm handling residential industrial and new construction the agency offers relocation services professional home market analysis brokerage marketing of through listing also provides mortgage evaluation referral first time training seminars interest rates project include development land acquisition plans obtaining appraisals appraisal reviews negotiations has offices in staten n y 11204 0 full service properties estate construction services analysis brokerage services first time seminars evaluations plans reviews negotiations island n y

Wyckoff Heights Medical Ctr

374 Stockholm St wyckoff heights medical ctr wyckoffheightsmedicalctr heightsctrcomida eat drink additionally dicos bushwick physician assistants centers asistentes médicos помощники врача 医生助理 centros медицинские центры 医疗中心 brooklyn 374 stockholm st operational since 1889 the center is a 350 plus bed hospital that provides range of services it operates claims management biomedical engineering finance and food nutrition departments audiology dental dermatology facial plastic gastroenterology genetic counseling gynecology orthopedics also offers pediatrics pulmonary surgery ophthalmology as well pain wound care weight loss various resident training programs treatment for allergies diabetes memory disorders infectious diseases employs more than 1 800 physicians nurses support personnel affiliated with new york presbyterian healthcare system accredited by joint commission maintains location in n y 11237 4 1889 350 plus bed services management engineering finance departments audiology dental dermatology plastic gastroenterology counseling pediatrics pulmonary services care programs allergies diabetes diseases 1 800 physicians personnel york presbyterian commission brooklyn n y

Seniorcare Ems Inc

562 Wortman Ave seniorcare ems inc seniorcareemsinc ambulancebrooklyn wortman ave foundedmedical provides rangesolutionshas automated external staffthan individuals fleet ambulances received forbes enterprise awardsmembernetwork basic advancemanagement hoursseven daysspecialtywound serviciosambulancia east new york ambulance services servicios de ambulancia услуги скорой помощи 救护车服务 brooklyn 562 founded in 2005 emergency medical a range of solutions it has defibrillators and offers evacuation training planning the company staff more than 200 over 40 awards is member united network advance life support also interstate transport disaster management 24 hours day seven days week specialty equipment wound 11208 0 2005 solutions services ambulances awards network day week